Tillägg till CLP avseende 2-etylhexanoic acid och borföreningar

EU föreslår två tillägg i form av noter avseende 2-etylhexanoic acid och borföreningar. Båda noterna klargör och preciserar att de ingångar som finns för dessa båda ämnesgrupper (group entry) i CLP, beror på innehållet av ifrågavarande ämnen men att klassificeringen kan påverkas av andra aspekter.

Sektion om 2-etylhexanoic acid:
The classification for the hazard class(es) in this entry is based only on the hazardous properties of the part of the substance which is common to all substances in the entry. The hazardous properties of any substances in the entry also depend on the properties of the part of the substance which is not common to all substances in the group. The latter must be evaluated to assess whether more severe classification(s) (i.e. a higher category) or a broader scope of the same classification (additional differentiation, target organs and/or hazard statements) might apply for the hazard class(es) in the entry.'

Sektion om borföreningar:

Note 11:
The classification of mixtures as reproductive toxicant is necessary if the sum of the concentrations of individual boron compounds that are classified as reproductive toxicant in the mixture as placed on the market is ≥ 0.3 %.
Note 12:
The classification of mixtures as reproductive toxicant is necessary if the sum of the concentrations of individual substances covered by this entry in the mixture as placed on the market is equal to, or above, the applicable generic concentration limit for the assigned category, or a specific concentration limit given in this entry.'

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