8 september arrangerar FEICA "Suppliers day"

FEICA bjuder in till en digital sammankomst den 8 september med möjligheten för tillverkare av limmer och fogmassor att möta råvaruleverantörer:

In today’s volatile business environment, adhesives and sealants companies face multiple challenges, such as feedstock costs and availability, and the impact of by-products. At the same time, they still face an unrelenting focus on delivering continuous improvement in sustainability performance as well as in financial performance.

Travel restrictions under COVID19 have left the industry without many face-to-face meetings and the opportunity to discuss innovations in the supply chain. FEICA’s virtual Suppliers’ Day provides an online platform for producers of adhesives and sealants to meet with the industry’s suppliers on an individual basis and for raw material suppliers and service providers to showcase their product innovations.  

Participation is free of charge for FEICA Members producing adhesives and sealants, and 100€ per person for non-members. Registration is required.

Läs mer på FEICAs hemsida >>  

FEICAHenrik Jansson

Nytt om ämnen – kiseldioxid, diklormetan, dioktyladipat


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